Supramaximal Eccentric Training For Posterior Upper Body Strength

By: Drake Berberet, CSCS


By now we should all know what eccentric strength is. If you don’t, you should probably purchase Triphasic Training right here (I’ll even provide the link, no affiliation).


Eccentric movement in its most simplest form is the reverse muscle action to concentric movement. Concentric movement is what we all think of when we think of lifting weights. For example, during a bicep curl the concentric movement is the actual “curl” part. The eccentric movement is the lowering down of the weight down…pretty simple right?

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Assessing Energy Transfer in the Vertical Jump

Author: Drake Berberet

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Transfer of Energy 

The ability to maximize transfer of energy in sport is typically what sets the elite athletes apart from the rest. Not only does it allow them to jump higher, run faster, and move more efficiently, it also allows them to save valuable energy so that they are not burnt out at the end of the game. In the long run, efficient transfer of energy may also prevent the risk of injury. It is well established that fatigue masks fitness, and injuries typically present themselves at the end of the game when the athletes are in a high state of fatigue. If transfer of energy is optimized, that athlete might never reach that level of fatigue that puts them at a risk for injury.

What are the two assessments?

The two assessments that can be used to assess energy and power transfer in jumping are the Eccentric Utilization Ratio (EUR) and Stretch-Shortening Cycle % difference (SSC%). Both assessments help find deficiencies in jumping performance and can help practitioners create a more “optimal” jumping profile going into competition (i.e. when all of your training matters most).

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Measuring the Autonomic Nervous System: HRV

Utilizing Heart Rate Variability

The human body is extremely complex! Hopefully this comes as no surprise. Don’t get me wrong, we actually know quite a bit about it. However, there is still much to learn.

Example: Analysis of the Autonomic Nervous System

We know the brain is the master orchestrator, and from a top down approach, we can see that it has control of the autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is broken into two parts, the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The relationship between the parasympathetic and sympathetic gets quite complex, so I will stop there.

Analyzing the ANS

In short, people typically analyze the ANS using heart rate variability (HRV). HRV is a wonderful metric, but it’s merely a red flag marker, not a diagnostic tool.

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Triggering the Right Immune Response

Exercise is a form of controlled metabolic stress.

Like all controlled stressors, it is applied in a fashion that is stressful enough to sound the alarm but not too stressful to break yourself. However, in elite athletics, this process becomes much more of a balancing act than one may expect.

In life, there are many forms of controlled and uncontrolled metabolic stressors influencing the body. These stressors can come in the form of psycho-social stressors, dietary stressors, lack of sleep, internal perceptions, injuries, and illnesses.

Now, these uncontrolled metabolic stressors may not be noticeable as we go through our daily lives, but once they begin accumulate, they can manifest in many different forms. This is the whole idea of the human body acting as a dynamic system.

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Exercise and ROS

The adaptability of our body is amazing, but we are able to push it a little too far at times.

ROS might just be the single universal cell signaler. From the micro level, it is a simple system designed to help keep the cell’s mitochondria alive through uncoupling protein activation. It kind of acts like an escape valve used to let off pressure when drilling. The reduced pressure may hinder the drills efficiency, but ultimately keep it from blowing up. The is the same idea but at the cellular level.

ROS is also a natural stimulator of our redox system, which is responsible for removing ROS when it is naturally produced. Thus, improvements in our redox actually increase our oxidative burden capacity (handle more stress).

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Reactive Oxygen Species, Mitochondrial Overload and Adaption

Handling Oxidative Stress

When we exercise, reactive oxygen species build up in our muscles, heart and other tissues. This would be considered self-induced oxidative stress.

As we train to improve, we develop more efficient mitochondria which end up producing more ROS. Thankfully our redox system develops in conjunction, making a harmonious development of both. In turn, our oxidative burden grows and we can handle higher and higher demands.

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More Than Just A “Power House”

Mitochondria produce most of the cellular energy, control cellular calcium levels, produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), modulate cellular redox states, initiate cell death and are overall influencers of health.












Mitochondrial function can be impaired by ROS accumulation. ROS is a natural byproduct of cellular processes, but the uncontrolled regulation of it can literally kill us. ROS can decouple mitochondrial membranes leading to inefficient mitochondrial function. It reduces its electro-chemical gradient which is responsible for driving the ATP synthase- ATP process. Thus, more calories will have to be burned per unit of ATP production (lost as heat).

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*Inspired by “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” by Robert M. Sapolsky

Human Response

Stress is part of everyone’s life. Regardless the type of stress, our body typically handles it in the same way, with the “fight or flight response”.

However, thanks to our brains, we have out innovated the traditional needs for a “fight flight” response seen in nature. And by “out innovated” I mean we get stressed out about work and social life drama while animals get stressed out predators eating them.

Essentially, we have out adapted this response (we aren’t getting chased by animals) and instead use it for other non-related stressors, typically those in the form of perceived psychological stress. Continue reading “Stress”

Vertical Stiffness

Playing a Critical Role in Optimizing the SSC

When the foot is in the air (right before ground contact), the lower limb contracts and tenses allowing for a more rigid limb upon foot contact. This translates to less vertical displacement while the foot is on the ground and a stiffer “spring” as shown above.

What happens is if the lower leg is not stiff enough? There will be too large of a drop in the center of mass (COM) during contact. The drop in center of mass means a longer ground contact time and more stored energy will dissipate.

A stiffer leg with less ground contact time will theoretically allow for a stiffer spring, a quicker movement, and more stored elastic energy. Continue reading “Vertical Stiffness”