Author: Dr. Zak Gabor

“Preventative medicine” gets a lot hype these days, and for good reason. However, I think we need to be careful of the verbiage. We certainly cannot “prevent” anything. That being said, we can certainly REDUCE the chance of injury by integrating thoughtful movement into our daily lives.


Enter, #KineticHygiene. Kinetic = Motion; Hygiene = Conditions or practices CONDUCIVE to health.


I really like this phrase.


While we cannot prevent injury, we can perform conducive things DAILY that we know can help promote orthopedic longevity in the same way flossing promotes dental longevity.


I might very well get gum disease later in my life, but I know one thing: I have significantly reduced my chances of getting gum disease by flossing and brushing my teeth everyday.


So why wouldn’t we take this same approach with our musculoskeletal health? We all too much see people developing impactable musculoskeletal pathologies throughout the body. These series of posts reflect a mission in making an impact on helping people realize the importance the self-maintenance for orthopedic longevity.

Thanks to the likes of Michael Boyle and Gray Cook, we were given the knowledge of the joint-by-joint approach. The joint-by-joint approach gives us a predictable understanding of ideal joint characteristics (i.e mobility/stability) for optimal function. The fantastic people over at Boyle’s in MA got it right when they created “Movement as Medicine.”


(*Disclaimer- n=1; this is not to say every individual needs to be considering these concepts in a black and white manor, but we do know that an overwhelming number of individuals can benefit from some of these concepts. Every individual must ultimately own all mobility/stability (i.e motor control) in both static and dynamic environments. With that being said, here are the general characteristics we see in each joint to work together optimally for function*)


Ankle: Mobility

Knee: Stability

Hip: Mobility

Lumbar: Stability

Thoracic: Mobility

Scapular: Stability

Gleno-Humeral: Mobility



I want you to understand not only why we might need more mobility/stability at a given joint, but also show you how by demonstrating 3 examples each week along side two of my colleagues, Teddy (@Strengthcoachtherapy) and Joe (@Joegambinodpt). At the end of each week, I will be summarizing the content into a blog with all three exercises and the key take aways.