Physics (Peak Velocity)


Peak Velocity can be used to determine whether an olympic lift is missed due to bar height or technical error. However, you first have to understand what peak velocity is.

Peak velocity is a specific point in the movement at which velocity of the measured object (center of mass, barbell, projectile…) is at its highest. Depending on the type of movement being performed, peak velocity will occur at different regions within the movement.

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Physics (Sprint Velocity)

Velocity is the change in distance over the time it takes to for the change in distance to occur. For example if I were to start running from stationary position (Initial Distance ‘Di’) and run 40 yards (Final Distance ‘Df’) in 4.4 seconds my average velocity for the entire run would be the change in distance (40yards) divided by the time it took to travel that distance (4.4 seconds).

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