Basic Concepts

Strength training, in the grande scheme of this world, is relatively new. Math has been around for centuries yet organized weight training has arguably been around for only decades. Yet, the roots of weight training do not find themselves in embedded in a unique soil. Instead, weight training’s seed is buried in the grounds of many different sciences. Thus, despite weight training being a relatively “new” concept, its foundations have had many years of refinement, dating back to Sir Isaac Newton himself.

Research can thank the Russian’s for their obsessive drive to show world dominance through physical feats (i.e olympics). This obsession expedited the scientific understanding  of human adaptation to physical stressors (weight training). Thus, sprouting from behind the iron curtain were many of the basic concepts that create the foundation of any strength and conditioning program. Russian’s clearly understood that strength mattered and not only strength, but the context of strength. By melding physiology and physics, the newtonian output of performance and the biological process of obtaining said outputs were formed. Thus, one could argue physics, physiology and sprinkle of psychology could just about answer any sporting action.

By understanding some of the basic scientific roots from which strength training has grown from, we as consumers and learners can avoid dangerous pitfalls. Instead of chasing shiny objects hanging from the top branches, we can use our basic understandings to discern whether or not such a leap of faith is worthwhile. This is not to say that new discoveries cannot be made. However, there is a reason why we didn’t go from horse and buddy to Tesla sports cars. Discovery is progressive in nature and doesn’t seem to take such wild quantum leaps like we may think.