Mitochondria, Fatigue, and What We Are Overlooking

A Little Goes a Long Way: Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Whether we are talking about motor learning, synaptic growth, post exercise fatigue, systemic inflammation, injury or immune health, I would be willing to put money that mitochondrial function plays a role.

Slippery Slope

Mitochondrial dysfunction increases the likelihood of cellular death. Death decreases toxic clearance. Toxic accumulation leads to inflammation. Inflammatory response leads to catabolic breakdown of tissues. Weakened tissues are more prone to tear. Mitochondrial dysfunction also increases caloric demands per atp made and overall reduction in efficiency. Not to mention this occurs in not only muscle tissues, but the heart and nervous tissues.

Based on the results seen above, if some is good, more is not always better.–and-neuroprotection-mitochon-pharmaceuticals.pdf